Saturday, 11 April 2009

You CAN change!

Are you or do you know people that seem 'set in their ways' and believe that's that, they will always be like that? That you can't change anything about yourself or things that you have 'always' done?

Well did you know that all our behaviours and beliefs have been learned as we grew up and got older? This means that any behaviour can be changed or new one 'learned'. It's not too late!

Many psychologists believe that it takes 21 consecutive days of doing something different for it to become a habit. When we do something over and over again, a neural pathway is formed in our brain until it becomes hardwired. Once the behaviour is ingrained, our brain starts to see this as the clearest and easiest route to take. The more times we do something, the more we re-programme our brain so it becomes second nature. So the more we practice doing things differently, then the more chance we have of changing our behaviour.

So, is there anything you would like to change? Grab some paper and a pen and take a moment to do this following exercise:

1. If someone could wave a magic wand and change you into the you that you want to be, what would you look like? How would you feel? Is there anything you would like to do but feel you can’t? Why is that? Write it all down.

2. Now imagine you have achieved your goals. Try and visualise it. How would it make you feel? Why do you think it would make you feel that way? Write it down.

3. So where are you right now? How do you feel about yourself right now? Write it down.

4. What do you think and feel you need to do now in order to achieve what you would like? What barriers are holding you back and what can you do about them? Write it down.

Ok, now that you've done this, write a list of the steps you need to take in order to start making the changes that you want. Then break those steps down some more, even into daily tasks. Focusing on smaller goals or tasks each day is more manageable and makes the end goal seem more achievable. Keep focused and stay positive. Good luck!

Remember, you CAN change!

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