Are you getting a good signal?
Balancing hormones naturally for optimal health
What does it really mean to
be ‘healthy’?
‘Healthy’ means getting our
bodies to function ‘naturally’, as nature intended, with no signs of being ill
or over-weight. If you have medical conditions then your body is not
functioning naturally, and if you are over-weight, you are malnourished.
So what’s the best way to get
healthier and leaner? Well it all starts with the liver and reducing the
burden. The liver needs to be clean and working optimally before hormones will
work properly, so a clean diet free from toxins is essential.
When you eat toxic, highly
processed and hard to digest food, it places not only a massive stress on the
digestive system but overloads the liver, which has to deal with and detoxify
everything before it will allow it into your blood stream.
The liver cleans the blood,
as well as having many other functions. If you have an overloaded liver then it
will affect all of these processes. Circulatory problems such as gas, IBS,
bloating and diverticulitis (where waste gets into the bloodstream via splits
in the colon wall), are all signs that nutrients are not being absorbed
One of the first things you
can do to help flush out these toxins is drink water! Yes, an easy solution I
know but how many people actually drink any, let alone enough water each day.
Every single process in your body, including hormone production is affected by
hydration. Your blood is thicker and more syrupy when you are dehydrated and
slows all processes down. It’s like trying to run in glue.
One of the first places your
body takes water from when you are dehydrated is the upper part of your colon.
This means you are more likely to be constipated or find it harder to
eliminate. If you are not regular, ie go every single day, then eating all the
time is not recommended as it will just back up and your body will be under too
much stress. Food is treated as an invader, a stressor, until it has met the
liver. If you eat 6 times then that’s 6 times your body will be under digestive
stress. Eat no more than 2-3 times a day.
Drinking plenty of water also
decreases the risk of kidney stones, cystitis and in turn low back pain. Water
thins your bodies liquids, makes them less syrupy and therefore contain less
Our hormones are created from
the nutrients we get from food. If you are eating poor quality and nutrient
deficient food then our bodies systems become compromised and can lead to
problems such as thyroid issues.
Our glands, found in seven
sites in the body including the neck, groin and under arms, become overburdened
and undernourished and don’t work efficiently. Glands release hormones into the
bloodstream and receptors need to be available to catch them and take them to
where they are needed. If you are eating nutrient poor food or food that
doesn’t suit you then this process doesn’t happen 100%
Think about an aerial and
your tv. When the weather is good the signal gets to your tv 100% and the
picture and quality is great. When the weather is poor the picture starts
breaking up and quality is compromised.
If all our circulatory
pathways are compromised our hormones cannot act properly. Our bodies will not
be working ‘naturally’ as nature intended. So even if you eat something good
like broccoli, all the goodness won’t get there as with messed up hormones, you
cannot absorb the nutrients in their entirety. You basically are what you
Our body’s functions can be
affected by the following:
Poor red
blood cell production
pressure issues
When inflammation is present
in the body then cortisol, our ‘get up and go’ stress hormone is elevated which
means fat burning is reduced or switched off completely.
Cortisol isn’t all bad though.
It is naturally present in the body in the first part of the day, which is when
we need it. Then it should start decreasing from mid afternoon onwards when our
growth and repair hormones take over.
However, this is not the case
for many of us as we carry on rushing about from the morning at 100 miles per
hour picking up the kids etc and working late into the night on our computers.

Too much cortisol can lead to
decreased memory, focus, clarity and increased moodiness. It can also lead to
fatigue, depression, low sex drive, increased abdominal fat, impaired immune
system and loss of lean tissue. When you don’t sleep well cortisol increases
and your repair hormones decrease. Is it any wonder why the nation gets sick so
So, here are the top four
things you need to do to get your hormones balanced and reduce disease:
Clean up
the liver through a good, clean diet
point 1
water – 1 litre for every 50lbs body weight
If you clean up your diet
overall, everything will start to function ‘naturally’ and will often remove
the need for medication, or at least reduce the doses.
If you would like to know
more about eating clean you can download our 28 day nutrition for health plan
completely free from