Many of us are wishing our lives away, forever trying to get all the stuff done that we believe HAS to be done each day. But before you know it you get stuck in the same old same old ground hog style day and then another year has whizzed by.
Would it hurt to stop, even for just five minutes? 'Oh if only I had the time,' I know you've just thought.
Well just imagine you met your 80 year old self. Where would they be living? What would they look like? What would they be saying about their life?
Would they be content that they'd lived it? Or would they be full of regret for not relaxing more, spending time with friends and family or going to new places? Which one do you think will be you if you carried on with your current lifestyle and habits?
Well, the good news is that there is a very good chance that you haven't reached 80 just yet, so you can start making changes in your life. And yes, EVERYONE, can make changes in their life, even just small ones.
So just stop for five minutes...and have a think. What would you like to change or make time to do?
Write down the following headings: family, career, health, adventure, finances and education.
Then, write one thing about each that you would like to do or change.
For example:
Family: spend time with family one day every weekend
Career: ask for a promotion at work
Health: exercise twice a week for 60 minutes
Adventure: book holiday to Disneyland
Finances: put away 10% of everything I earn
Education: learn Italian
Then write next to it one action you could do to be one step nearer achieving it.
For example:
Family: spend time with family one day every weekend – purchase tickets to cinema
Career: ask for a promotion at work – arrange a meeting with my boss
Health: exercise twice a week for 60 minutes – arrange game of squash with friend and go to a fitness class
Adventure: book holiday to Disneyland – go and pick up a brochure
Finances: put away 10% of everything I earn – set up a savings account
Education: learn Italian – buy a cd course
Then...GET TO IT!! Revisit these goals every week and write new ones when you HAVE achieved them.
So remember, sloooowww down and start living the life you will be proud to talk about when you're 80 years old!
Emma Boffo
Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
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