Monday, 27 December 2010

Your remedy to not feeling FAT, SLOW and OVER-INDULGED!

You know, the average person puts on between 7-10lbs over Christmas. It's all from letting go and paying no attention to the little things. But I do actually want you to enjoy Christmas but at the same time, remember that you don't HAVE TO over eat and drink for an entire week.

Small choices like exercising for 10-15 mins, saying no to food offered, stopping eating when you can't breathe and stuff like that will really help you to avoid that heavy feeling.

Even fitness trainers like myself eat our fair share of junk over the Christmas period, and as we eat pretty well most of the time we really notice how much it slows our systems down and makes us feel heavy and tired.

So, what can we all do to get ourselves feeling better again? Well don't wait until the new year to start that's for sure. Do little things each day from NOW!

Your top five tips to start feeling human again!

1. Drink plenty of water - rehydrate yourself and get your digestive system moving after the overload of hard to digest food

2. Get moving - stop watching TV when there's just rubbish on, wrap up and go for a brisk walk for at least half an hour

3. Throw away or give away (to charity) any chocolate or biscuits left in the house - don't just eat them because they are there

4. Have a break from sugar and starchy carbs (sweets, bread, pasta etc) - cut down, limit or avoid these for a few days to give your digestive system a break

5. Just say no! - if you're visiting friends and relatives every day over the holidays, it's ok to say no to offerings. It will just add to the overload.

Good luck and here's to a great 2011!!

Warm regards

Emma Boffo

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Getting motivated to exercise

Why would you want motivation to exercise?

Well it’s motivation that gets us going and excited to get into a healthy routine. It is not good to go into something new (or old) with a negative attitude, especially exercise because that just drains our energy.

Yes we do have our days were we are tired or it is raining or we just simply can’t be bothered but the key is to be able to change our mindset and get out of this attitude before it affects our results.

What is motivation?

The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive and excitement to assist you to get a desired outcome. Motivation is a state you can easily learn to have with guidance and practice.

What makes motivation an important factor in exercise?

Without motivation whatever plan or regime you choose to follow you will get fed up with and not pursue. You can start getting great results straight away by making motivation your number one priority when it comes to healthy eating and exercise.

How can we motivate ourselves to get results with exercise?

Here are ten keys to motivate you.

  1. An exercise log/graph - I cannot explain enough how important it is to log down and journal your experience including taking photos and recording measurements. I get all my clients to do this, its part of the change process.

  2. Remember this is time for you – The time that you spend in session is for you! Respect yourself to remember you deserve time to spend on yourself inside and out.

  3. The frumpy feeling from not exercising - It’s not a nice state so why not take control of your state and be in control of your actions. Make sure you are sticking to your program to prevent you from feeling anything but success.
  4. Goal setting - Set goals correctly and make them easily achievable. Setting and tracking your progress with show you your results and will motivate you more.

  5. Prepare for success – Get the right frame of mind to exercise and become healthy. Set your outcomes so that you know which direction you are heading.

  6. Having fun - Exercise should be fun. Choose a class or sport you will have fun with and that can be different.

  7. Visualization - Imagine a slimmer, fitter more toned and energized you and see yourself and imagine how you would sound and feel now let that image motivate and drive you.

  8. Stress relief - Have you had a hard day running after the kids? Use exercise to release that stress.

  9. An exercise class - Sign up for a class, maybe with a friend today as exercising in a group with a trainer can assist in increasing motivation.

  10. Use a coach or trainer – They can support and help you reach your goals successfully.

What if you were to follow the above tips and incorporate it all into your fat loss regime?

Well you’d be setting yourself up for success. Good Luck!

Sally Pettitt

The Mother Factor
The Mother Factor on Facebook