Many people are actually following a diet similar to sumo wrestlers. What's surprising is that most of these people are actually trying to lose fat.
Now last time I checked Sumo wrestlers are not walking round with six pack abs! Sumo wrestling has no weight divisions so for the wrestlers the bigger the better.
So what does a sumo wrestler do to gain such an athletic body...not!
1. Skip meals
Sumo wrestlers only eat twice a day. This slows your metabolism right down. The best meal to skip to slow your metabolism is breakfast. Make sure you always eat breakfast and if possible eat 4-6 small meals per day to really boost your metabolism.
2. Eat loads of rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, juice and sweets
Now all of this would usually be part of a low fat diet. You see the best way for your body to gain fat is to actually give it too much energy. You body will store this energy in fat cells. Some of the best type of energy that will grow your waistline is foods high in carbohydrates and sugars, so don't over-consume these.
3. Eat late at night
Yup eating a meal full of energy and then going to bed will cause your body to digest the food and then store all the calories in your fat cells. It is better to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Stick to light, easy to digest meals and try to have your starchy carbohydrates earlier in the day if possible. If not make your servings of them small and load up on salad and veggies with protein.